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Queen's Court & KC Cowboy

Promotional Scholarship Programs

The Kendall County Fair Association (KCFA) has spent many years promoting our programs to our Kendall County Community and surrounding counties. As a part of our promotion and events, our Queen's Court has been a community spotlight in helping draw attention to our organization since 1949.

In the last couple years, we have added a new program we are very proud of. KC Cowboy joined our organization in 2017 with a new KCFA program called KC Kids. KC's kids is targeted toward the special needs kids within Kendall County. Both of these programs help our organization build the ability to give back more and more to our community in scholarships, events you enjoy, and so much more! Take a minute to glance through the years of history and hours these elected individuals have spent bring joy to our community!

This page is still in process so check back often to see more historic years included!

Click on the description under the picture to see pictures and information from that year.

KC Cowboy - Bringing Joy to Special Kids

KC Cowboy

KC Cowboy

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