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Home > Facility Rentals > Kendall County Equine Boarding > Current Horse Boarders

Current Horse Boarders

The KCFA Horse Barn facilities are filled with a great group of customers who love their horses. If you are not already a boarder here, we look forward to you becoming one! Please go to our rentals page to check out our facilities and contact Billy or Gayle Shussler to sign up. This form is ONLY for those boarders already under contract with us.

We are happy to allow online payments for our boarders and hope that this makes their stay with us more convenient. We've also included a field where you can leave any feedback you would like for us to hear. You can also leave us a note regarding any changes that may have occurred since your last payment such as no longer renting a particular stall, or you moved stalls (as long as it was approved), etc. There's always something to do and something going on at the grounds. We hope your stay with us is a pleasurable one!

Horse Boarder Monthly Rent Payments

If you have any questions regarding this form, don't hesitate to contact the barn managers for assistance.

Personal Information

I agree to the terms and conditions


Enter ALL names of your horses boarded here
Enter ALL stall numbers being utlized
Enter ALL Tack Room Stall #'s or N/A if none
Coggins Confirmation Coggins is current on all horses listed.

List any stall changes, cancellations, or addition


Enter any feedback you feel necessary.
Horse Stall Payment
Enter the number of stalls you are paying for.
Horse Stall Rentals
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