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Livestock Show

Date: Sept 02 - Sept 03, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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This will mark the 117th Annual Kendall County Fair. Every year, hundreds of kids come out to exhibit their animals hoping they have raised the best animal possible. Agriculture is one of our passions here at the Kendall County Fair Association. Agriculture and homemaking marked the beginning of the Kendall County Fair in 1905. Families in the Kendall County area would bring their goods to the central part of town to show all their friends, exchange wisdom and enjoy the feasts of their labors! 117 years later - it's still going on. There are amazing people in our community that still live life by our roots.

Come out and experience how it all started 117 years ago. These kids have worked hard and put countless hours of love, attention, and training into their animals. The lifelong lessons these kids learn by caring for their animals, and raising their herds, and the friends they gain through the process will be with them forever.
We are excited to bring you yet another fabulous livestock show. For more information, contact:
Livestock Director: Glenda Boerner
Phone: (210) 701-4228 (leave a message if unavailable)
Email: livestock@kcfa.org

For complete show dates, times, rules and Online Entry CLICK HERE!

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